proof, fixation, forensically significant information, human appearance, 3D scanning of a person, 3D model.Abstract
The article is devoted to researching the capabilities of forensic (signal) 3D scanning of a person's appearance. 3D scanning is characterized as a promising method of visual-object recording of forensically significant information. Forensic (signal) 3D scanning of a person is defined as the process of recording dimensional, spatial and color characteristics of a person's appearance with the help of a specialized hardware and software complex to obtain a digital three-dimensional model of a person's body or individual elements of their appearance. The main methods of signal 3D scanning are proposed and characterized: us-ing the method of polyphotogrammetric photography, using 3D scanners of general pur-pose and highly specialized complexes for scanning a person's appearance, the advantages and disadvantages of each method are given. It is emphasized that in modern conditions 3D scanning of a person's appearance using non-contact 3D scanners of general purpose is the most realistic method. Depending on the specific object, forensic 3D scanning of the face, chest, entire human body, individual parts of the body (anatomical elements of the appear-ance) and accompanying elements of the appearance, as well as scanning of living people and corpses, are distinguished. Algorithms for 3D scanning of a person's face, chest, and entire body are given. The procedure for processing scanned raw data and creating a 3D model of a human appearance element using the Artec Studio 17 software complex is de-scribed. The results of experimental 3D scanning of the chest and the entire human body are demonstrated. Possible ways of using forensic (signal) 3D scanning of a person in the practice of uncovering and investigating criminal offenses are proposed.
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