criminal proceedings, document, document examination, technical and forensic document examination, forensic expertise, video spectral analyzerAbstract
The article is dedicated to exploring the possibilities of using portable video spectral analyzers during document inspection in criminal proceedings and formulating practical recommendations for the application of these scientific and technical tools in investigative activities. It is noted that this class of devices is an effective tool for forensic document examination. At the same time, considering the compactness, portability, and ease of use of certain analyzer models, the author emphasizes the promising potential of using these devices during document inspection in criminal proceedings. The typical technical characteristics of video spectral document analyzers have been reviewed. It has been established that such devices are generally equipped with a viewing surface where the document is placed, sources of visible, infrared, and ultraviolet light, a digital camera with zoom capabilities, a built-in screen, image output interfaces, and the ability to store photographs in the device's memory, as well as an additional external camera. It has been noted that during document examination, video spectral analyzers can be used by investigators, interrogators, and prosecutors, or by specialists they have engaged. A generalized procedure for the application of the video spectral analyzers in investigative practice has been proposed. This procedure includes the sequential examination and photographic documentation of a document (or its parts) under visible, infrared, and ultraviolet light, with the description of the identified features recorded in the protocol. The forms of recording the process and results of document examination conducted using a video spectral analyzer have been considered. The need for further development of recommendations on the specific features of conducting document examinations using video spectral analyzers during the investigation of certain groups (classes, types, subtypes) of criminal offenses has been emphasized.
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