criminal justice, institution of representation, victim, victim's representative, lawyer, legal regulation, legal statusAbstract
The article substantiates the thesis that the legal status of a participant in criminal procedural relations determines the peculiarities of the legal procedure that can be applied to him. Based on a textual analysis of the provisions of the current legislation, it is argued that the legal status of the victim's representative, a lawyer, is a priori more complicated, given his professional status. It is emphasized that this creates a certain inequality between subjects who can act on the victim's side. Still, it is determined that this approach meets international standards in the field of providing legal aid to victims of criminal offenses. It is substantiated that in the essential aspect, the components of the legal status of the representative of the victim are the rights, duties, legal guarantees of his activity, and the types and grounds of legal responsibility. These components constitute the legal status of a lawyer representing the victim in criminal proceedings. It was found that the current criminal procedural legislation does not directly define the rights, obligations, and guarantees of activity, as well as the grounds of legal responsibility for improper performance by a lawyer in the status of representative of the victim, duties regarding the realization of the procedural interest of the victim. It is emphasized that the level of normative determination of meaningful components of the legal status of participants in legal relations demonstrates the quality of the law, which in turn constitutes a component of the principle of the rule of law. Based on the conducted generalization of legal provisions and some theoretical approaches of domestic lawyers, it is substantiated that in the criminal procedural law, meaningful components of the legal status of the lawyer representative of the victim need to be defined and consolidated. It is noted that it is categorically inadmissible to completely identify him with the victim himself or not to distinguish him from the legal representative. Supplementing the current Criminal Code of Ukraine with Article 58-1 “Powers of the lawyer-representative of the victim” is proposed.
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