


bicameralism, parliamentarism, bicameral system, upper house, lower house.


The article The article highlights the essential characteristics of bicameralism in the theoretical and legal aspect, taking into account the research of legal science. Attention is focused on doctrinal approaches to the interpretation of bicameralism as a political and legal phenomenon. Emphasis is placed on the awareness of bicameralism as one of the institu-tional mechanisms for ensuring the distribution of power. The main functions of the bicam-eral parliament are highlighted, including: creation of mechanisms of checks and balances in the system of state power; ensuring political stability; protection of the rights of regions; political arbitration; improving the quality of the law-making process; affirmation of the rule of law and democracy. Attention is drawn to the popularization of the theoretical un-derstanding and practice of implementing bicameralism as one of the leading trends in the genesis of modern constitutionalism. The world practice of functioning of bicameral parlia-ments is indicated, where the main advantages of a bicameral parliament are: promotion of broad mutual control, cooperation of chambers, which accordingly increases the responsi-bility of deputies; creation of conditions for professional and responsible discussion of draft laws, their scientific, material, financial argumentation; compliance with the requirements of professional representation; reduction of conflicts between the parliament and the gov-ernment, as well as promotion of the rational resolution of conflicts, guarantees against the "authoritarianism" of the parliament; expression of national and territorial interests. The es-sence of the bicameral structuring of modern parliaments is defined, which consists in de-limiting their functional purpose: the lower chambers of these parliaments aim to ensure popular representation and implement high-quality lawmaking, while the upper chambers represent territories and traditional regional elites. It is concluded that bicameralism in the conditions of the development of modern parliamentarism is a complex, multifaceted phe-nomenon, one of the indicators of the qualitative level of civic maturity of society, which corresponds to the principles of democratization and decentralization of power, which are in demand in modern conditions, as they determine the prospects for the development of civil society in the context of European values. which will contribute to Europeanization and optimal integration of the state into the leading countries.


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