


gender, gender equality, female gender, male gender, legal status, equality.


The article highlights the essence and content of gender equality in the theoretical and legal aspect based on research of national legal science. It is emphasized that gender equality is a fundamental value that lies in the legal practice of international standards and serves as an essential indicator of the democratic development of civil society. Emphasis is placed on the concept of "gender" as an organized model of social relations between women and men, which characterizes not only communication in the family, but also determines their social relations in major public institutions, where the ontological component of gender is to ensure equality between men and women. in society, and the principles of equality constitute the praxeological aspect of gender. The characteristic features of "gender" are highlighted: 1) it is the concept of the system of roles and relations between women and men, which are determined by social, political and economic context and are based on the conditions of constructive cooperation; 2) it is the interaction of both halves of the sex of society, the conceptual basis of which is non-conflict and consensus; 3) «gender» involves not only constructive but also fair interaction of articles to create such social conditions that give impetus to the disclosure of both civic and individual qualities of the individual for its full self-realization.Gender characteristics are taken into account, where women and men are equal but different, and they are equal in their differences, their differences are gender characteristics that must be taken into account by giving women and men special groups of rights and appropriate mechanisms for exercising these rights. It is noted that gender differences are not an obstacle to equality, their existence requires differentiation of legislation, their reflection in special rules. It is proposed to consider gender equality in four dimensions, which underlie the development of state gender policy: the first is human rights as a standard of political, civil, economic, social and cultural rights and freedoms for women and men; the second is human rights as women's rights; third – equality of freedoms, rights and responsibilities; the fourth is equal opportunities, a key element of gender equality. It is concluded that gender equality is a complex component of the legal status of women and men, taking into account their characteristics, providing them with equal opportunities to participate in socio-political, socio-economic and national-cultural life of the state and society, creating equal conditions for rights and freedoms, which is systemic in nature, for their own needs and development of personal potential, which is based on equal access to certain tangible and intangible goods and values.


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