interrogation, criminal offenses, serious crimes, organization, planning, investigative (search) actions, tactics, tactical reception, typical investigative situation.Abstract
The scientific article is devoted to the coverage of some aspects of the interaction of operational and investigative units of the National Police of Ukraine during the investigation of criminal offenses. The concept, essence and forms of interaction during the pre-trial investigation are considered. It is noted that the activities of law enforcement officers should have a specific structure, which will vary depending on the specific circumstances that occur in the investigation of certain criminal offenses. That is, the algorithmization of the criminal proceedings for a particular category of offenses should be the main task of forensic scientists. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that it is impossible to build an algorithm of actions without identifying certain situations that may arise during the investigation. It is noted that the interaction of the National Police provides the most effective investigation of socially dangerous acts. After all, thanks to the joint activities of employees of different departments, information of any plan is obtained, as well as possible rapid and rational implementation of various procedural actions. The investigation of serious crimes requires employees to plan their actions quite clearly. Therefore, research and recom mendations on the interaction of any units of the National Police is undoubtedly one of the most progressive areas of achieving the purpose of criminal proceedings and research in general. The author supports the position that cooperation is a form of organization of crime investigation, which consists mainly in law-based cooperation of the investigator with the body of inquiry, agreed on the goals, time and place, carried out in order to fully and quickly detect crimes, comprehensive and comprehensive. effective investigation of criminal proceedings and search for hiding criminals, stolen valuables and other objects relevant to the case. Among the procedural forms of their interaction in the investigation of serious and especially serious crimes are: the implementation of the investigator's instructions to conduct investigative (investigative) actions and covert investigative (investigative) actions; execution by the operative unit of the investigator's instructions on verification by operative-investigative means of information that is important for establishing the presence or absence of grounds for entering information into the URPI on operative materials. Among the organizational forms in the investigation of serious crimes are the following: joint planning of the initial stage of the investigation; coordinated activities as part of the investigative task force; mutual exchange of information between the investigator and employees of operational units; joint use of forensic and operational-technical means.
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