modern state, state model, state goal, state tasks, state functions, martial law, constitutional rights of man and citizen, Constitution of Ukraine.Abstract
The article examines the influence of martial law on the functions of the modern state. In order to obtain a holistic view of changes in the scope of the activities of the modern state, on the territory of which a special legal regime - martial law - has been introduced and oper-ates, this work used a methodological toolkit demanded by the subject, based on philosoph-ical, general scientific conceptual approaches, as well as typical for modern approaches and methods of legal science. For a proper scientific search within the framework of this issue, the content of such categories as the modern state (social public institution that ensures the integrity, manage-ment and development of society in the process of implementing its functions), the constitu-tional model of the state (sovereign, democratic, legal, social state) was clarified ), the pur-pose of the state (ensuring the integrity, management and development of society), the tasks of the state (issues that are determined by its purpose and need to be solved in the process of implementing the functions of the state), the functions of the state (the most appropriate scope of the state's activities aimed at solving its tasks), which in the modern theory of the state do not have a clear understanding. It was established that the constitutional model of the modern state objectifies the log-ical interrelationships of its functional spheres - tasks that are normatively enshrined in the Constitution of Ukraine. And their content mediates the functions of the modern state, which are subject to changes under the influence of external and internal factors. It was investigated that a number of functions of the state underwent changes in view of the introduction of restrictions during the period of martial law on the constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen and the rights and legitimate interests of legal entities, as well as institutional problems in the field of public administration, regulatory innovations in the fiscal sphere, and others. It was found that the expediency and scope of the application of human rights re-strictions takes into account threats to national security and correlates with international doc-uments.
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