methodology, human rights, legal consciousness, historical consciou sness, cultural approach, anthropological approach, culture,Abstract
Another attack by Moscow government officials and their enslaved subordinates on Ukrainian lands requires understanding not only of current issues of political coexistence but also understanding of the worldview foundations of the interaction of societies and ethnic groups, which historically formed in quite different conditions. Therefore, a variant of a methodological approach to clarifying the limits of mutual understanding is proposed, which is based on cultural and civilizational foundations that are not overloaded by the general imperial historical experience of inequality based on national characteristics. Part of legal consciousness in the historical consciousness of representatives of civilizations of different levels of cultural development becomes decisive for the future, where the cultural, that is, the purely human component in the structure of the individual is accepted through the idea of human rights. The other world, the world of the "people of the past" ("the Russian world"), which is actually criminal in modern coordinates, demonstrates its animal foundations through animal forms of aggressiveness. Agreeing with this, and even more so supporting such a worldview position by part of the population of Ukraine, is a rudiment of the Soviet and imperial times of the purposeful and intensely political and legal embodiment of the cultural primitivism of the eastern despots. Therefore, questions of the methodology of understanding modern events seem to be decisive, since all others become de-rivatives.
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