capture, representative of the authorities, law enforcement officer, hostage, methodology, initial and subsequent stages of the investigation, typical investigative situation, main tasks of the investigation.Abstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of typical issues that arise during the investigation of criminal offenses in the event of taking a representative of the authorities or an employee of a law enforcement agency as a hostage. Sources characterized by the largest amount of primary information about the event that took place, and also serve as reasons and grounds for initiating criminal proceedings, are given. It is emphasized that today, both among scientists and among practitioners, the most popular approach to organizing pre-trial investigation of criminal offenses in Ukraine is the situational approach. That is, in order to effectively build the methodology of investigation of criminal offenses, examples of possible investigative situations and corresponding action algorithms should be given. On the basis of the provisions of forensic tactics, the opinions of scientists and the results of the generalization of the judicial and investigative practice of the pretrial investigation of the taking of a representative of the government or a law enforcement officer as a hostage, the most typical investigative situations of the initial stage of the investigation are distinguished: Situation 1 - the identity of the criminal is known, he is detained, the hostage is released; Situation 2 - the identity of the criminal has been established, but he has escaped and is hiding from law enforcement agencies, the hostage has been released; Situation 3 - the identity of the criminal has not been established, he escaped, the hostage was released; Situation 4 - the identity of the criminal has not been established, he is hiding together with the hostage. As a result of the analysis of scientific developments and practical activities, we consider it expedient at the next stage of the investigation of the seizure of representatives of the authorities or law enforcement officers as hostages to distinguish three investigative situations: the first - the criminal is detained, the latter admits guilt; the second - the person of the criminal is detained, but I deny my involvement in the crime; the third is the most unfavorable situation, when the identity of the criminal is established, but not arrested (hiding from law enforcement agencies). For each of the above situations, the main directions (tasks) of the investigation are determined and typical algorithms of actions necessary for their solution are proposed. It was concluded that taking into account the specified typical investigative situations will give pre-trial investigation bodies the opportunity to determine the directions of the investigation and establish the circumstances of taking a representative of the authorities or an employee of a law enforcement agency as a hostage. Attention is drawn to the importance of interaction during the investigation of the seizure of a representative of the authorities or an employee of a law enforcement agency as a hostage, and a list of subjects of interaction is provided.
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