criminal proceedings, victim, institution of representation, lawyer, crime, violent crime, procedural interest, standard, principle.Abstract
The article defines the victim-oriented approach as an international standard in investigating crimes, including violence-related crimes. Based on the textual analysis of the provisions of the subordinate regulatory legal acts, it is summarized that those, that regulate the activities of the investigative units and inquiry bodies of the National Police of Ukraine in terms of the implementation of priority measures to respond to reports of criminal offenses, need to be improved and harmonized by international treaties and recommendations tested by practice. It has been found that the actual areas of improvement of such provisions are the development of principles to prevent secondary traumatization of victims and ensure their best interests at all stages of criminal procedural activity. Separate recommendations are proposed, which need their regulatory consolidation to implement a victim-oriented approach in investigating violent crimes. It was emphasized that during the investigation of criminal offenses, the method of commission of which is related to the infliction of physical, psychological, or sexual violence, it is necessary to minimize the number of surveys of the victims, to ensure their implementation only under the condition of careful preparation, in situations that make it possible to record such a measure and is comfortable for this person. It is justified that the involvement of victims who have suffered from violent crimes in such investigative (search) actions as an inspection and an investigative experiment should be carried out when it is impossible to establish the circumstances to be proven in criminal proceedings in any other way or if there is a conscious desire of such victims to participation in such action. Inadmissible in this context is conducting interviews of victims at the scene under the guise of an examination or investigative experiment. Other recommendations aimed at improving traditional approaches to investigating violent crimes have also been formulated.
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