


crime, criminal behavior, deviant criminal behavior, criminal, deviant behavior, character accentuations (hyperthymic, pedantic, epileptoid, hysteroid, etc.), psychopathy


The article is devoted to the analysis of the influence of character accentuations on the criminal behavior of an individual. It is substantiated that accents have a significant impact on the formation of an individual’s behavior model. At the same time as having a positive potential, they also have a negative potential. Attention is drawn to differences in the behavioral manifestations of criminals and criminal behavior; criminal behavior and deviant criminal behavior. Key views and scientific positions on the categories “criminal behavior” and “criminal behavior” are highlighted. Attention is focused on the interdisciplinary nature of the problem. Theoretical approaches to the phenomenon of accentuations and their influence on the criminal’s behavior are highlighted, while attention is focused on accentuations as extreme variants of the norm, disharmony of development and hypertrophied manifestation of their individual properties. Accentuations are recognized as determinants of illegal behavior, which have a significant impact on the pattern of behavior and positive or negative potential both in terms of social adaptation in general and in terms of individual behavioral acts, which is especially relevant in the context of studying criminal behavior. The influence of certain accentuations on criminal manifestations of behavior has been updated. It is noted that criminals often have hyperthymic accentuation, which can provoke crimes under the influence of alcohol. Epileptoid accentuation affects manifestations of sadism, rape, and murder. Representatives of pedantic accentuation tend to demonstrate criminal behavior due to stuckness and constant readiness to defend themselves. The greatest influence of accentuations on criminal behavior by provoking excitement manifested by uncontrollability and cruelty is outlined. Accentuations, which appear much less frequently in criminals, namely demonstrative and stuck-up accentuations, have been identified. Further directions of scientific research are substantiated.


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