corruption, anti-corruption principles, State Anti-Corruption Program, digital transformation, digital tools, state of warAbstract
The article "Digital Transformation as a Principle of Minimizing Corruption Risks" explores the importance of employing digital technologies in mitigating corruption risks and promoting sustainable societal development. It emphasizes that since Ukraine’s decla-ration of independence, there has been a pressing need for active anti-corruption measures, rooted in societal norms dating back to the Soviet era. Combatting corruption has been a complex task requiring multifaceted interventions across various levels. Despite significant socio-political changes post-1991 aimed at establishing a legal and democratic state, corrup-tion remains a pertinent issue that cannot be entirely eradicated. Recognizing this, sustain-able development agendas, including those set for 2030, prioritize reducing corruption as a crucial goal for building effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions. In this context, effective anti-corruption measures leveraging digital transformation processes become im-perative. The author meticulously analyses digital transformation tools and their impact on en-hancing transparency, openness, and efficiency in governmental processes. Special atten-tion is given to the implementation of electronic identification systems and user interaction as key means to enhance digital security and accessibility of administrative services. The article extensively discusses research findings on the level of digital literacy among the population and underscores the necessity of developing infrastructure to sup-port digital advancement. The author highlights that digital transformation can serve as a potent tool in combating corruption, contributing to improved management efficiency, and ensuring the sustainability of economic and social development. Overall, the article pro-vides an in-depth analysis of the potential of digital technologies in reducing corruption risks and enhancing the quality of governance. Further research in the field of digital transformation and anti-corruption efforts could expand our understanding of the effectiveness and possibilities of digital tools in this sphere. This includes exploring the potential impact of artificial intelligence on anti-corrup-tion activities at both international and domestic levels.
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