human and citizen rights, protection of human and citizen rights, modern state, human and citizen rights protection mechanism, martial law regime, legal regulation mechanism, implementation mechanism, international humanitarian lawAbstract
The article is devoted to the mechanism of protection of human and citizen rights. In the course of the study, it was established that the essence of the mechanism for the protec-tion of human and citizen rights is the mechanism of legal regulation and the mechanism for the realization of rights in this area. Its content is the interaction of these institutions. It has been found that the basis of the mechanism for the protection of human and citizen rights are normative acts that mediate the system of state and municipal authorities by determining their legal status, granting them appropriate competence, and outlining the procedural and procedural order for their implementation in order to achieve the goal of protecting human and citizen rights, as well as the possibility of citizens taking certain ac-tions to protect their rights. It has been established that the system of institutions designed to protect human and citizen rights is fixed in the constitutional provisions. However, this fact is not a safeguard against improper treatment by state law enforcement agencies, as evidenced by numerous decisions of the European Court of Human Rights. The protection of human and citizen rights under martial law and during war is ana-lyzed. The compliance of the first with the standards of world practice has been clarified. Problems related to specific protection during war were identified, in particular, the inef-fectiveness of international mechanisms for the protection of human rights in wartime, the discrediting of international political and legal norms and principles in this area. It is proposed to improve the national mechanism for the protection of human and citizen rights by means of legal monitoring of normative legal acts, which fix both the mech-anism of legal regulation of this area and the mechanism of its implementation, and there-fore the legal reform of national institutions called to protect human and citizen rights; strengthen the responsibility of authorized subjects for actions that go against the authority to protect human rights.
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