labor protection, legal regulation, protection of labor rights, preservation of life and health of participants in the production process, labor activity, insttute of lawAbstract
To consider in detail the provision of proper labor protection as a decisive condition for the realization of the constitutional human right to work. To focus on factors that ad-versely affect the state of labor protection while violating the constitutional right of the per-son to work. Among these factors, the most influential are the mismatch of workplaces san-itary and hygienic rules and norms, violations of recreation and labor regimes, shortcom-ings of labor discipline, deterioration of production funds, use of technical means without compulsory permits and accounting and a number of others. Protecting the rights of workers, preserving the life and health of participants in the production process is one of the primary tasks of modern civilized society. According to international law and the Constitution of Ukraine, a person, his life and health, inviolability and security are the highest social value. Employees have the right to adequate, safe and healthy working conditions, and the state ensures protection and guarantees the observance of these rights. Therefore, the general principles of state policy in the field of occupational safety are aimed at creating proper, safe and healthy working conditions, preventing accidents and occupational diseases, adapting work processes to the employee's capabilities, taking into account his health, psychological and other features the health of workers determined by the Law of Ukraine "On Labor Protection". The task of scientists is to solve the problem of ensuring the priority of life and health of persons who work, the results of production activity, the creation of safe and healthy working conditions, the effective work of the state supervision and control system, as well as modern, adapted to international standards, mechanisms of administration from admin-istration labor protection. In this way, the constitutional right of the person to work will be realized. It is also shown that one of the important conditions for improving the legal regu-lation of labor protection is the development of legal support for various aspects in this area of labor protection, as well as transferring it to a supranational principle and further unifi-cation.
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