administrative and legal regulation, humanitarian aid, martial law, peculiarities, improvementsAbstract
The work embodies the author's view on humanitarian aid as an important element of support for the population of Ukraine, which, under the conditions of martial law, found itself in an extremely vulnerable economic and socio-psychological situation. Attention is focused on the fact that in the conditions of martial law such categories as "aid" and "social assistance" were rethought against the background of returning to the pri- mary needs of food, drinking water, and a safe environment. The author's point of view is embodied in the existing shortcomings in the field of administrative and legal regulation, then we state that the procedure for the distribution of humanitarian aid remains insufficiently regulated at the level of regulatory and legal regu- lation, creating an environment favorable for corruption and other offenses. The question arises of highlighting information about the content of the cargo and its further distribution on the relevant websites or digital state registers. It requires regulatory and legal consolida- tion and a procedure for determining, systematizing and analyzing the real needs of the civilian population, determining the legal status of the donor, acquirer, recipient, the Coor- dination Headquarters for Humanitarian and Social Issues, the interaction (coordination of activities) of the latter with other subjects in the field of humanitarian aid, the method of distribution of received humanitarian aid, as well as the procedure for the interaction of different recipients with each other. The following ways of improving the procedure for receiving, providing, processing, distributing and controlling the targeted use of humanitarian aid are proposed, namely, a detailed analysis of the needs of the population in humanitarian aid, taking into account the characteristics of a specific region, popularizing in society high examples of behavior of spe- cific recipients of humanitarian aid, development and implementation of digital technolo- gies, electronic databases, and software in the control and supervision activities of state au- thorities. Prospective areas of further research are further scientific understanding of the views of foreign researchers on certain issues related to the administrative and legal regulation of humanitarian aid, conducting statistical studies in the field of humanitarian aid, determin- ing the place and characteristics of volunteering in the context of the researched issues.
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