


civil society, institutions, rights, freedoms, interests, citizens


In the article, based on the analysis of scientific views of scientists, the author's defini-tion of the concept of "civil society" is proposed. Attention is focused on the fact that civil society is made up of institutions. Scientific opinions on the list of key institutions of civil society are revealed, but on the basis of which the own vision on this issue is formulated. It was found that civil society is a broad system of relationships, relations and struc-tures consisting of individuals, groups, communities and organizations that act inde-pendently of the state and contribute to ensuring the freedoms, rights and interests of citi-zens. It is characterized by democratic principles, participation of citizens in decision-mak-ing, development of civil society, pluralism, self-organization and interaction between var-ious subjects of society. Civil society stimulates active civic participation, the development of public institutions, associations and promotes the strengthening of the rule of law and social justice. Civil society, on the other hand, does not limit its activity to provisions ap-proved at the level of the state leadership, moreover, it can deny them and fight against them. It is argued that the institutions of civil society are a set of organizations, structures, groups and mechanisms that function within the framework of civil society with the aim of protecting and promoting civil rights, freedoms and interests, ensuring active participation of citizens in public life and interaction with the state. Key institutions of civil society include: non-profit organizations, public associations, charitable foundations, social movements, independent mass media, professional organiza-tions, educational institutes, religious organizations, public forums, social support funds. It is emphasized that the institutions outlined above constitute the basis of civil society, they interact with each other and ensure the functioning of the latter as a whole. These institu-tions contribute to the development of democratic values, support of the rights and free-doms of citizens, formation of public consciousness and interaction between society and the state.


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