


constitutional process, constitution, constitutional law, constitutional-legal regulation, constitutional-legal relations


The article highlights the theoretical and legal aspect of understanding the develop-ment of the constitutional process in Ukraine, taking into account the challenges of moder-nity. Attention is focused on scientific and applied approaches to the interpretation of the constitutional process, establishing its problematic aspects and, accordingly, determining the prospects and areas of improvement at the current stage of the activities of the subjects of constitutional and legal relations regarding the realization of their constitutional rights and duties, which is the driving force strategies for building national constitutionalism. The exceptional role of the constitutional process as a means of democratization of modern Ukraine is emphasized. Attention is focused on the development of the constitutional pro-cess in Ukraine and its scientific and theoretical support, which are connected with the prac-tical implementation of the principle of the priority of human and citizen rights and free-doms as the basis for the existence of a democratic, legal and social state, where the original value is the person himself. The study of the trends of the constitutional process in Ukraine convincingly proves that currently the further development of the system of constitutional and legal regulation in the country is inextricably linked with the introduction of changes to the Constitution as the Basic Law, which concern almost all of its parts without exception, because the current Constitution is of a transitional nature. It is emphasized that the modern constitutional process has a deeply dialectical character in terms of its influence on the fur-ther development of social relations. It is noted that, based on the objective state of affairs, there is an urgent need for prudence and coherence in working out ways of developing public-authority relations in Ukraine, based on a comprehensive understanding of those laws and tendencies of the rise of the constitutional process characteristic of one or another state. It is summarized that the constitutional process as such, taking into account its dy-namic nature, in a broad sense should be considered through the legal support of develop-ment, improvement, modernization, transformation, etc. in relation to the public structures of the state regarding the effectiveness of the regulation of public-authority relations, which make up the core of modern politics in Ukraine, where its Constitution as the Basic Law of the state was and will certainly remain a determining factor of the socio-political life of the state within the framework of the constitutional and legal field in order to ensure the effec-tiveness of basic democratic institutions.


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