: artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence systems, law enforcement, cedural decision, big data analysis, information security, human rights.Abstract
Artificial intelligence (AI) systems in the general sense are computer systems that not only perform certain tasks according to a predetermined algorithm but also solve creative problems based on the analysis of a large variety of information and imitating such human thinking processes as learning, forecasting, risk assessment, working with incomplete data, etc. The purpose of the article is to establish the role of AI technologies in law enforcement activities in Ukraine and abroad, to determine the possibilities of using AI systems in the conditions of the war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, analysis of the legal acts of the EU countries and the Countil Europe on regula ting the processes of using AI systems in various industries (including law enforcement) in order to determine the procedure and restrictions in their application, determining the form and content of the legal regulation of the processes of using AI system s in law enforcement. The article discusses the use of artificial intelligence in the work of law enforcement agencies in the United States, Great Britain, EU countries, and Ukraine. The functions and efficiency of using such AI systems are determined: Cle arview AI (USA), Watson (USA), COMPAS (Correctional Offender Management Profiling for Alternative, USA), ePOOLICE (early Pursuit against Organized Crime using environmental scanning, the Law and genCE systems, countries EU), HART (Harm Assessment Ri sk Tool, UK), ChatGPT (Gener- ative Pre Pre-trained Transformer, USA) Kassandra (Ukraine), SOTA (Ukraine), SemanticForce (Ukraine), Attack Index (Ukraine) ) and The analysis of legal acts and recommendations adopted by various institutions of the EU and the Council of Europe on the use of AI systems was carried out. The principles and limitations of the use of such systems are determined. It is proposed to include in the legislation of Ukraine the following basic principles for the use of AI: respect for fundamental hu- man rights and freedoms, prevention of any discrimination, high quality and security in the processing of data and procedural decisions, transparency, impartiality, and fairness. The study showed that along with the efficiency of working with large amounts of in- formation, AI systems have a number of disadvantages. In particular, due to the imperfection of the system algorithm, a large number of errors in their work and possible violations of human rights, AI can make an erroneous or illegal de cision. This can lead to a violation of such fundamental principles of the judiciary as the rule of law, non non-discrimination, impar- tiality, fairness, etc. Therefore, AI systems can only serve as supplementary tool for author- ized persons in making procedural decisions.
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