migration, migration policy, state migration policy, migration motives, legal means, globalization, European integration, military actionsAbstract
The article is devoted to the legal issues of the state migration policy of modern Ukraine. The influence of global challenges on the formation of legal mechanisms of state migration policy is updated. It is emphasized that migration processes caused by various factors can have both positive (social-political-economic development) and negative consequences (destructive impact on the security space of Ukraine) for the state, which necessitates the organization and control of these processes with the help of legal means and mechanisms . The work draws attention to the fact that the concept of "state migration policy" has an interdisciplinary nature, it is considered from the standpoint of management theory, demography, sociology, administrative law, economics and other branch sciences, which requires a methodology appropriate to the subject of research. In the course of the study, it was established that the state migration policy is a strategic plan of the state regarding the balanced impact on migration processes in order to ensure the national security of the state. Its content correlates with factors (risks, real, potential or hybrid threats to national interests) that act as determinants of the state's response in one or another area. It was found that the formation of the legal mechanism for ensuring the state migration policy actually began with the adoption of the Declaration on State Sovereignty of Ukraine, but did not acquire a systemic character. Analysis of the State Migration Policy Concept revealed its declarative nature and lack of provisions on institutional support. It has been established that the improvement of the legal mechanisms for ensuring the state migration policy of Ukraine, in particular the adoption of the State Migration Policy Strategy of Ukraine for the period until 2025, is conditioned by the ratification of the Association Agreement with the European Union. It was revealed that the migration motives of the population of Ukraine are primarily related to security aspects, and global economic processes can open up new opportunities for our state. The need for the development of legal mechanisms adequate to migration crisis situations, which will make it possible to organize migration processes in national interests, has been identified.
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