Requirements for article design
We look forward to articles from scientists, academic staff of higher education institutions, postgraduate and postdoctoral students, employees of the legal and law enforcement sectors, etc. that have not previously been published (posted) in printed (electronic) journals and meet the relevant requirements.
Students’ articles are not accepted for publication even in co-authorship with an advisor.
Articles by persons who do not have an academic degree, including postgraduate students, must be accompanied by a duly certified review by an advisor or a duly certified excerpt from the minutes of the department meeting with a recommendation to publish the article.
Languages: Ukrainian, English, from 12 to 17 pages (Word for Windows, А 4, Times New Roman, 14, line spacing– 1.5, all margins – 2 cm). When formatting, hyphens or extra spaces are forbidden.
The images used in the article should be sent as separate *.jpg or *.png files, a resolution of at least 600 dpi. The color scheme should be b&w or grayscale.
An article should consist of the following structural elements:
- first line (left) - UDC;
- second line (left) - initials and surname of the author(s);
- third, fourth and, if necessary, fifth lines (left) - the author’s degree, academic title, membership in the NAS, NALSU (if any), post and affiliation, e-mail ORCID, city, and country.
- below, single spaced, bold typeface, center justification – the article’s title, which should briefly render its content, contain no more than 12 words. The title should be interesting for the national and international audience;
- below, single spaced, an abstract in Ukrainian (not less than 1800 characters) and keywords (6-8 words or phrases).
Below, single spaced, the article’s main text, which should have the following structure:
Problem statement. The author states the relevance and substantiates the feasibility of the research and its relations with important scientific or practical tasks.
Analysis of recent research. It briefly assesses the current state of the problem under study at the global level, an analysis of modern scientific publications that have originally driven the settlement of the specific problem and the identification of previously unresolved parts of the general problem the article is devoted to.
Goal statement. The purpose (task) of the article should be based on a review of preceding research, be formulated specifically, correspond to the article’s content and title, and determine previously unresolved parts of the general problem the article is devoted to.
Statement of basic material. It substantiates and presents research findings.
Conclusions. Key findings are presented, and suggestions on further development prospects are made.
The article text should be proofread and be free of spelling, punctuation, and stylistic errors. The article may contain the optimal number of graphics for the relevant type of research. Bibliographic references should be in square brackets, indicating the source number and specific pages (for example, [1, p. 25]), and the names of the sources should be given at the end of the article in the order of in- text citation.
Bibliography. In making up a list of references, please, adhere to the requirements of the National Standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302:2015 “Information and documentation. Bibliographic reference. General provisions and compilation rules”.
The list consists of at least 12 and a maximum of 30 items.
Sources in the reference list are numbered and arranged in the order of their mention in the text.
It is prohibited citing and including in the reference list russian-language contributions published in any country, incl. papers written in other languages but published in russia and belarus.
References. The references list should be in line with АРА standards (American Psychological Association)
After references, there is an English abstract (a minimum of 1800 characters) and keywords (6-8 words or phrases). The English abstract should be preceded by the author(s)’ surname and initials, degree, academic title, affiliation, city and country (in the appropriate language).
Every English article should contain a Ukrainian abstract (a minimum of 1800 characters) and keywords (6-8 words or phrases).
The abstracts should be structured according to the logic of material presentation and render unexplored aspects of the issue concerned; methodological tools, theoretical framework; main research findings; recommendations, prospects for further research. There should not be references, shortenings, and duplication of the article text.
The editorial board may not share the opinion of authors. The authors are responsible for the quality of articles and data constituting state secrets and proprietary information.
The editorial board is entitled to has to shorten text, and make editorial changes and reject articles violating the above requirements.
Each manuscript subject to a mandatory peer review, which is anonymous for both the reviewer and the author (the author(s) is notified of its results via e-mail). If the author(s) disagrees with the outcome of the anonymous review, the editorial board may return the article without the right to further publication in the journal.
The editorial board assess the relevance of manuscripts and compiles the issue.
By submitting an article, the author hereby confirms the aspiration to publish the article in Bulletin of Luhansk Scientific-Educational Institute named after E.O. Didenko; agrees with all the requirements of the editorial board regarding the content, extent, design and procedure for submitting materials; gives their consent to use personal data for the article’s publication in the journal and on the Internet, distribution, as well as other actions necessary for the functioning of the journal.
In case of breach of the listed requirements, the editors reserve the right not to consider it.
Published articles are publicly available on the Internet.