Publication conditions

To be published in Bulletin of Luhansk Scientific-Educational Institute named after E.O. Didorenko, articles should be submitted before March 10 for issue 1; before June 10 for issue 2; before September 10 for issue 3; before December 10 for issue 4.

We are currently accepting articles for issue 4/2024, which must be submitted no later than December 10, 2024.

  • fill in an application form (at the link);
  • send a manuscript meeting the requirements to

Prohibition to refer to the aggressor state’s scholarly papers

It is prohibited citing and including in the reference list russian-language contributions published in any country, incl. papers written in other languages but published in russia and belarus.

Academic integrity

The editorial board conducts high-quality anonymous peer-review and plagiarism check. All manuscripts are subject to checking for plagiarism using by the Polish company The peer-review procedure takes up to 2 weeks.

Grounds for refusing an article’s review:

- a lack of information about the author(s);

- a lack of review by the supervisor or recommendation from the department’s staff certified by the signature and seal (for persons without a scientific degree, including postgraduate students);

- a lack of ORCID;

- a lack of UDC;

- a lack of one of the article’s components (structural element);

- absence or insufficient list of references (less than 12 titles) (including the References list in Latin);

- insufficient article’s volume (less than 12 pages WITHOUT METADATA);

- absence, incompleteness, or insufficient volume of the abstract (less than 1800 characters in Ukrainian and English);

- violation of citation rules;

- if the author(s) did not revise the article following the recommendations of the anonymous review.