

state, individual, international legal personality, international law, subject of international law, natural person.


The issue of clearly defining the range of subjects of international law has been and re-mains relevant and crucial in international legal doctrine. One of the main tasks for theorists is the attitude of the individual to the circle of such subjects, and with the rapid development of international legal practice, it would be more appropriate to ask the question in what capacity and with what reservations a person will be considered a subject of international law. The article analyzes the problematic issues regarding the peculiarities of the recognition of an individual as a subject of international law. Different points of view of scientists, both national and foreign, on this problem are considered. In the doctrine of international law, there are different approaches to determining the range of subjects of international law. This is due primarily to the lack of a common under-standing of the essence of the subjects of international law and the characteristics that are in-herent in them. The question of the international legal personality of a natural person (individual) in the international legal literature is still the subject of heated debates, because international legal acts, ie agreed by states mandatory international documents in which the individual would be recognized as a subject of international law, are absent. Today, international law is no longer exclusively the one that regulates interstate rela-tions, and state sovereignty is not characterized by inviolability. It is well known that interna-tional law also regulates relations with the participation of legal entities and individuals, di-rectly endowing them with rights and obligations that are international in nature. Today, the doctrine of international law recognizes the special legal personality of an individual as the ability to be a member of a certain range of legal relations within a particular branch of international law, despite the fact that individuals do not yet have the ability to create rules of international law. Thus, not all subjects of international law can a priori be equal in terms of their rights and obligations - from the point of view of legal personality, subjects have different amounts of international legal obligations.


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