Jurisprudence, US criminal law policy, university legal education, American Bar Association, legal education in the United States, legal science in the USA.Abstract
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of teaching criminal law disciplines in US uni-versities. Today, a successful country is very important to have high-quality specialists. Espe-cially the country needs well-trained specialists in jurisprudence. Since lawyers implement the criminal law policy of the state. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the process of training specialists in law, on which depends both the competence of future lawyers, and the quality of the implementation of state criminal law policy. This article examines the experience of American universities in the training of lawyers, because the legal education of the United States is one of the best in the world. This process is embodied in the US state criminal law policy, the study of which is given importance by future lawyers. During the XVIII - XX centuries. The United States has created its own model of higher law school that can respond to modern educational requirements. The effectiveness of the American legal education system is ensured by the autonomy of educa-tional institutions, the selectivity and flexibility of university curricula, a competitive educa-tional environment, the practical orientation and individualization of the educational process, and the use of modern educational technologies. The United States of America is the leading democratic country in the world, not only in economics, in politics, but also in the field of ju-risprudence and in new educational technologies. In this regard, it is so important to study the American experience in the field of legal education. The central place in the process of academic training in US law schools is given to forms and methods of teaching aimed at forming in students professionally necessary skills and abil-ities (design methods, teaching staging, practice in legal clinics), as well as the development of their analytical skills. precedents, discussions). The growing importance of the lawyer in all spheres of Ukrainian society dictates the need to develop the most effective system of legal training. At the same time, certain positive features of American legal education can be used in reforming the domestic system of training lawyers who are able to strictly implement public legal policy.
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