


war, evidence, evidence, objective side, forensic examination, bodily harm, premeditated murder.


The article is devoted to the problems of evidence that arise during the investigation of crimes of violation of the laws and customs of war, the number of which today is more than ten thousand. The objective aspect of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which consists of several elements, deserves special attention. The components of the objective side are related to the results of action and inaction with various categories of victims, including prisoners of war, civilians and the state. In addition, the objective side itself is determined by unrelated actions. These include ill-treatment, murder, exile, forced labor, the removal of national property, and the use of illicit means of warfare. That is, the objective side concerns individuals, their rights, freedoms and, separately, the material values of the state. In each case, the study of the objective side, which is characterized by the action and its consequences, there is a need for some special knowledge. Therefore, issues related to the study of certain elements of the subjective side are investigated by various forensic experts. Among the examinations that examine the consequences for life and health, we should mention forensic, corpse examinations, sexual conditions, various types of psychological examinations: psychological and psychiatric, medical and psychological, Research on the consequences of the use of illicit warfare types of explosive examinations. The looting of national values is connected with the assessment of stolen objects, which is carried out by art historians. The question arises as to the expediency of allocating specific articles on the basis of individual elements of the objective side in order to simplify the process of proving in this category of crimes. The article provides a detailed analysis of the problems that arise in the study of each element of the objective side of the violation of the laws and customs of war and offers practical ways to solve them.


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