chaplain, military chaplaincy, military chaplaincy service, institute of mili-tary chaplaincy, pastoral care.Abstract
The article analyzes the legal status of the military chaplain and the compliance of the provisions of the new Law "On the Military Chaplaincy Service" with the current legislation of Ukraine. Recommendations for improving the legislation of Ukraine in the field of military chap-laincy in order to regulate relations in the implementation of the §constitutional right to free-dom of thought and religion of servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the National Guard of Ukraine, other military formations are formulated in accordance with Ukrainian laws, the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. Legal and organizational principles and prin-ciples of the Military Chaplaincy Service are revealed. The importance of ensuring social guar-antees for chaplains, as well as the spiritual and religious rights of servicemen is emphasized. A comparative analysis of the organization of training and activities of foreign military chaplains is conducted and the world experience useful for Ukraine in regulating this issue is studied. It is emphasized that today, when Ukraine is facing the threat of a full-scale invasion by the Russian Federation, the psychological situation in the military units requires pacification. Therefore, the issue of regulating the legislation of Ukraine on the procedure for creating com-fortable working conditions for chaplains and their pastoral care of servicemen is important. When forming a chaplaincy service, it is important to combine patriotic ideals with moral guidelines. The symbiosis of patriotism and true moral values are able to form a service-man devoted to Ukraine, ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of Ukraine in the fight against the aggressor. It is concluded that the adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On the Military Chaplaincy Service" is the result of solving the current problem of state-church relations at the legislative level. However, there is a need for further regulation of bylaws and regulation of many public relations in this sphere.
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