

organization of activity, investigative (search) actions, productive coope-ration, competencies, opposition to pre-trial investigation, evaluation of effectiveness of cooperation.


The article discusses the features of interaction of the investigator with operational staff in the conditions of countering the investigation. On the basis of the survey conducted by the staff of operational and investigative units, it is noted that the latter are more interested in cooperation, which is due to the impossibility of solving the tasks of criminal proceedings only by conducting investigative (search) Action without action. It is noted the need to develop a productive style of cooperation, based on the quality performance of common tasks, mutual high qualities of employees. It is emphasized that interacting actors have a good understanding not only of each other but also of their joint activities. It is emphasized that each entity has a list of competences, within which the means and methods of implementing a certain level of professional tasks are applied. It is noted that the awareness of the need to obtain the most positive result of the investigation requires the involvement of those persons whose terms of reference do not belong to the initiator of the interaction (in most cases the authorized person). This forms the necessary combination for solving the respective tasks, the totality of which will be determined taking into account: - Individual in each case the competence of the participants in the interaction; - the presence of motivation in the implementation of tasks by the authorized person; - the need to take into account the fact of subordination of participants to different structural subdivisions of one or different departments, which determines the search for «vectors of cooperation» in the implementation of joint tasks; The ability to correctly set goals and define ways of their implementation, taking into account the conditions of investigation at the appropriate stage, as well as situations of opposition; Awareness of the joint direction of activities and understanding of each other’s tasks; - the skills to predict the consequences, in case of changes in the composition of the participants of the interaction; - the experience of assessing the performance of each individual bearer of competences, and together with others. It is emphasized that personal relations, established on the basis of sympathy, will determine not only productive style of cooperation, but also qualitative performance of common tasks, which will be promoted by mutual high qualities: efficiency, competence, Organization, discipline, morality. It is noted that the effectiveness of cooperation in countering pre-trial investigation can be evaluated from the standpoint of both prevention and effective overcoming of manifestations of opposition to pre-trial investigation.


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