

raiding, forensic classification, forensic characteristics, illegal possession, property, private enterprise.


The article substantiates the thesis that the problems of raiding remain relevant, de-spite the political situation, because they are characterized by a high level of public danger. The author determined that the consequences of the illegal takeover and capture of enter-prises, agricultural land, and violation of the rights of their founders, participants, share-holders, and members might be the absence of promising proposals for cooperation with foreign partners to build mutually beneficial economic relations. Raiding leads not only to a decrease in the authority of Ukrainian enterprises, institutions, and organizations as par-ticipants in international economic relations, but also has negative manifestations in the eco-nomic and social sphere of society's life. Based on the analysis of empirical data and provisions of current criminal legislation, the author singled out a group of criminal offenses related to raiding. It is emphasized that the construction of group forensic methods should be preceded by the implementation of a forensic classification of the investigated criminal offenses, as well as elements of their fo-rensic characteristics. Based on such a classification basis as the object of encroachment, the author carried out a forensic classification of criminal offenses related to raiding. According to the results of the analysis of the investigative and judicial practice of investigating criminal offenses, the responsibility for which is provided by Art. 206-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, the author singled out the typical elements of the forensic char-acteristics of this type of crime and gave them a description. In particular, it is determined that the elements of the characteristics of illegal absorption or seizure of property of enter-prises, institutions, organizations are the circumstances of the crime, the method and means of its commission, traces, and the identity of the criminal. It is emphasized that the problem under consideration is still under-researched, and therefore requires further scientific re-search, taking into account the needs of law enforcement and judicial bodies.


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