


special purpose military firearms, subsonic bullet flight speed, shot sound reduction device, forensic ballistics, and special cartridge.


In the article, the author formed a group of the main qualifying features of special pur-pose weapons. The presence of at least one of the following signs in a particular weapon is a sufficient basis for concluding that this weapon has a special purpose: - Instruction of the manufacturer (developer) about the special purpose of the weapon; - Possibility of conducting automatic fire (in turns); - Arrangement of weapons according to the "bul pap" or pistol type scheme; - the presence in the design of the weapon of a device for reducing the sound level of the shot, the possibility of installing such devices is provided by the manufacturer (devel-oper); the use of cartridges with mechanical locking of powder gases in the cartridge sleeve or special purpose cartridges with subsonic bullet flight speed in weapons as standard am-munition. It is substantiated that today two main methods of the problem of reducing the sound level of a shot have been formed: 1) Direct use of DRLSS ("silencers" in the form of various barrel nozzles) with special weapons; 2) the use of a closed-type DRLSS in the form of special complexes, with the expansion and locking of powder gases in the variable closed volume of the barrel, barrel nozzle or a special weakened subsonic cartridge. It is noted that due to the wide variety of design schemes, special purpose firearms do not always have any of the already mentioned features. Other design solutions also improve the ballistic and tactical performance of weapons. Moreover, some of them can be used in the design of both combat and hunting weapons, as well as special purpose weapons. It is noted that in some models of special purpose weapons, ordinary cartridges are used as standard ones. The conclusion was formulated that the use of special cartridges for firing from special-purpose weapons is an additional qualifying feature. The systematized regularities of the formation of marks on bullets and casings fired from special-purpose firearms aimed at improving the scientific and methodological support of expert research on weapons create the prerequisites for establishing the facts of the use of such weapons during the commission of crimes.


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