


data science, reproducible research, big data, crime prevention effectiveness, computational criminological reasoning.


The relevant issues of crime research with the use of information technologies are proposed to be united by the concept of "computational criminological reasoning" and defined as follows: the process of substantiating the provisions about crime, its causes, the personality of the criminal, prevention measures, which is carried out by methodologically consistent acquisition of new knowledge from data, which are collected and processed automatically. The results of implemented research projects that provide an opportunity to assess the potential of computational criminological reasoning are presented: collection and intelligence analysis of social media data, use of specialized open databases, modeling of crime prevention using artificial society, computational analysis of the content of criminal liability legislation, reproducible research of crime prevention by data science methodology. The difference in the direction of trends in the development of legislative and law enforcement levels of criminal law regulation has been established: if criminal legislation develops by increasing prohibitions and increasing sanctions in the form of deprivation of liberty, then the practice of its application demonstrates the tendency to reduce the number of convicts and apply fines more often than deprivation of liberty. Inadequate implementation of public interest in the proper functioning of the criminal justice system, as well as a partial oversimplification of combating crime, are observed. It was concluded that the application of computational criminological reasoning in such a situation becomes especially relevant. It is necessary to improve the effectiveness of criminal law regulation at both the law enforcement and legislative levels, the development of crime prevention must necessarily involve the collection and analysis of the largest possible amount of data on crime prevention. It was concluded that the application of computational criminological reasoning in such a situation becomes especially relevant. It is necessary to improve the effectiveness of criminal law regulation at both the law enforcement and legislative levels, the development of crime prevention must necessarily involve the collection and analysis of the largest possible amount of data on crime prevention.


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