advocate, legal status, professional duty, professional level, professional development, bar.Abstract
The article is dedicated to the study of legal regulation concerning one of the key duties of every advocate – professional development. It analyzes the provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On Advocacy and Advocates’ Activity”, as well as the Procedure for Professional Development of Advocates of Ukraine, approved by the decision of the Ukrainian Bar Council. It also examines the relevant provisions of the Polish Law “Advocacy Law” and the Resolution of the Polish Higher Bar Council “Regulations on Professional Development of Advocates”. The conclusion is made that one of the mandatory standards of the advocacy profession is the professional development of advocates. This obligation aims to ensure the high quality of legal assistance provided by an advocate, thereby enhancing the protection of the rights and freedoms of their clients. In addition, the professional development of advocates is aimed at ensuring the realization of a person’s constitutional right to receive professional legal assistance. The methodological basis of the research includes comparative, dialectical, system-structural, and normative-logical methods of inquiry, which allowed for the analysis of legislation related to the legal regulation of advocates’ professional development in Ukraine and the Republic of Poland. It is established that in Poland, as in Ukraine, continuous professional development of advocates is one of the key obligations, contributing to the realization of citizens’ constitutional right to receive quality legal assistance. In both countries, this duty is enshrined in law and regulated by the self-governing bodies of the bar. The changes in the legal regulation of advocates’ professional development in Poland include the abolition of the mandatory system of educational credits. Bar self-governing bodies focus on supporting advocates in fulfilling this duty, particularly by organizing high-quality educational events and implementing specialized programs for the continuous enhancement of their professional competence.
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