mine action, demining, humanitarian demining, operational demining, military demining, explosive objectsAbstract
The purpose of this paper is to clarify the content of the concept of «demining» and related specific concepts by analyzing scientific approaches, national legislation and mine action standards, as well as substantiating conclusions on the features of the relevant terminology. As the analysis of scientific literature shows, today there is no legal research in Ukraine, the subject of which is the concept and types of demining. The methodological basis of this study consists of terminological analysis (it is used to clarify the content and delimit concepts), abstraction (the most important features and characteristics of the phenomena under study are identified on its basis), dogmatic method (it made it possible to study formal legal constructions in the texts of legal acts), as well as other methods and techniques of scientific research. The paper argues that the definition of the term “demining (humanitarian demining)” enshrined in the Law of Ukraine “On Mine Action in Ukraine” is meaningfully and logically related to the concept of “humanitarian demining”. However, this Law differentiated between demining and humanitarian demining at the time of its adoption (06.12.2018). It is also shown that in the Methodology for Determining Military Losses Caused to Ukraine as a Result of Armed Aggression of the Russian Federation, and in DSTU 8820:2023 “Mine action. Processes management. Basic provisions” “demining” is not a generic concept, but a special term that reflects some components of humanitarian demining (removal and demilitarization (destruction) of explosive objects). It is substantiated that the terms “military demining” and “operational demining” were excluded from the Law of Ukraine “On Mine Action in Ukraine” due to the clarification of its subject and goals that are humanitarian in nature. The paper specifies that operational and military demining are associated with such sub-legal terms as “operational response to the detection of explosive objects” and “combat demining of the area (objects)”.
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