criminal proceedings, criminal prosecution, bodies of pre-trial investiga tion, personal data, identification, identity documents.Abstract
The article deals with the issues of identification without profile data during criminal proceedings, and it suggests ways to solve them. Based on the analysis of the criminal procedural legislation of Ukraine, the author fo-cuses on the fact that identification is one of the mandatory conditions for criminal prosecu-tion. It is indicated the need to add the list of documents that confirm the identity by making changes to part 1 of Art.13 of the Law "On the Unified State Demographic Register and doc-uments that confirm the citizenship of Ukraine, certifying a person or his special status". The author proposes to enshrine methods of identification during criminal proceedings in the departmental normative legal acts, to which the author includes such as follows: searching information about a person on the card files and databases of the administrator of the Unified state demographic register, its territorial bodies or subdivisions; verification of information about a person on the databases of the National Police and the Ministry of Internal Affairs; fingerprinting of a person and checking the availability of information about him in the Au-tomated Fingerprint Identification System; conducting a check of this information to estab-lish the identity of the person by place of residence, place of work (education), criminal rec-ord, etc; using the information system of the International Criminal Police Organization in cases when the person is a foreigner. The foreign experience of problematic issues of identification during criminal proceed-ings of the Federal Republic of Germany was considered. The criminal procedural legislation of the country was analyzed to borrow the positive experience of identification during crim-inal proceedings. The author proposes to add a separate chapter "The procedure of identification without profile data" to the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine with articles about the procedure of identification depending on his status in criminal proceedings as follows: 1. "The procedure of identifying the witness and the victim"; 2. "The procedure of identifying the suspect".
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