criminal investigation, investigative activities, criminal analysis, criminal intelligence, forensic intelligence, OSINTAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of the current state of adaptation of foreign terminology on criminal intelligence to the national scientific doctrine of criminalistics and investigative activities. The main directions of introduction of some branches of criminal intelligence into the theory and practice of criminal investigation are determined. It is emphasized that in the current conditions the importance of methods of searching and analyzing information in various sources and arrays is constantly growing. The large-scale military aggression against Ukraine, which is still ongoing, has further actualized the need to use the latest search tools and methods to investigate war-related criminal offenses, identify all war victims, and search for persons who committed serious crimes in the conflict. It is noted that in the national system of sciences of the criminal law cycle, there are difficulties related to the theoretical substantiation and practical implementation of intelligence tools in the practice of criminal investigation. This is due to the outdated approaches to differentiating different branches of knowledge, the dominance of Soviet-era scientific terminology, and the incompleteness of the reform of the system and functions of criminal justice bodies. In Ukraine, the science of criminalistics is recognized as an applied multidisciplinary field of knowledge that combines technical and tactical aspects of detection and investigation of criminal offenses. Therefore, criminal intelligence should be attributed to this science. Accordingly, the most accurate term for it is "criminalistic intelligence", which combines three types of intelligence – strategic, investigative and forensic. Criminalistic intelligence is an important area of work for law enforcement agencies in the current environment. This is the collection, processing, analysis and use of intelligence information for the purposes of criminal investigation. New scientific research is needed on the development of theoretical foundations and implementation of the latest tools of investigative and forensic intelligence.
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