


competence, legal status, territorial administrations, State Bureau of Inves-tigation, tasks, powers


The article argues that the State Bureau of Investigation of Ukraine has its own organ-izational structure in order to ensure the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the department, in which a special place is given to territorial administration. The specificity of the activity of the relevant territorial administrations is determined by the territory over which the com-petence of the latter extends. That is why it is important to study the competence of the territorial departments of the State Bureau of Investigation, since the latter is a key element of the legal status that reveals the content and direction of the implementation of tasks, and is also a tool for their implementation. It is argued that the competence of the State Bureau of Investigation is based on: first, tasks and functional areas of activity; secondly, the circle of legal relations to which their activity extends. It is emphasized that the content of the competence covers not only the powers and the subject of the assignment, but also guarantees of activity. Competence is a complex con-cept that includes various elements, in particular, such as powers, functions, tasks and the purpose of activity. It has been established that the content of "competence" depends on the specifics of the activities of its bearer. It has been proven that the specifics of the competence of the territorial offices of the State Bureau of Investigation are that it: firstly, is normatively defined; secondly, due to such factors as the tasks and functions of this body; thirdly, the main element of its content is a set of powers outlined by legislation for their implementation; fourthly, in its composition, accountability is of great importance, that is, a clear definition of the range of criminal of-fenses assigned to the jurisdiction of the State Bureau of Investigation, and their distinction with other law enforcement agencies; fifthly, its boundaries are determined, among other things, by territorial factors, namely the place of commission of criminal offenses.


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