cross-border labor market, migration, migration processes, border regionAbstract
The article reflects the main problematic issues of the processes of cross-border migra-tion of the population of the Ukrainian-Slovak border and directions for the development of the cross-border labor market as a factor in the regulation of migration processes. A study of the concepts of "market" and "labor market" was carried out, providing interpretation in narrow and broad meanings, on the basis of which it was proposed to in-terpret the cross-border labor market as a system of social relations related to the coordina-tion of demand and supply of labor resources, conditions for the formation of the workforce, payment labor and social protection within the cross-border region. It was determined that the elements of the cross-border labor market are aggregate demand, which reflects the gen-eral need of the region's economy for labor, and aggregate supply - the entire economically active population of the region. It has been analyzed that the cross-border labor market is provided through a system of social relations related to the coordination of demand and supply of labor resources, con-ditions for the formation of the workforce, wages and social protection within the border region. The issue of the development of the cross-border labor market in terms of the regu-lation of migration processes was initiated in cooperation on both sides of the border with local communities, non-governmental organizations, administrative structures, socio-eco-nomic partners, promotion and implementation of joint activities and projects. Within the framework of cross-border social integration, a number of measures are proposed for the development of an effective cross-border labor market with the aim of stabilizing migration processes in the region: improvement of the information support system for the cross-bor-der labor market, forms of promotion of cross-border cooperation are defined, support measures in the field of education and professional development for the development of the cross-border market are defined labor
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