innovation, road traffic safety, traffic violations, road safety, road traffic fatalities and injuriesAbstract
This scientific article attempts to define the role and significance of innovation in the variety of its manifestations to ensure road traffic safety and reduce road traffic fatalities and injuries. The essence and content of innovations are determined based on theoretical developments and current legislation of Ukraine in this area, outlining the difference between innovations and novelties. The normative-legal basis of innovative development is provided, including in the field of road traffic safety at the global (international), regional (European), national (foreign), and local levels. The necessity of applying innovations to increase the level of road traffic safety in Ukraine is justified based on strategic documents. Concrete examples are given regarding the adoption of innovative decisions and the implementation of products and measures of innovative nature across all components of the multi-component social system «road users ˗ vehicles ˗ roads ˗ legal environment». Additional arguments are provided in favor of the thesis regarding the possibility and expediency of including the element «legal environment» in the specified social system. Significant features of this component are highlighted considering its implementation in practice by subjects of law-making. Based on the data contained in the results of the International Economic Forum «Global Competitiveness Index», a search for correlational interdependencies between the degree of innovative development of individual states, including EU member states, and the level of road traffic safety in them was conducted. The most innovative countries in the world are listed. A comparison of Ukraineʼs innovative development with that of developed countries is made on several parameters. Directions for further scientific research in the application of innovations in the field of road traffic safety are outlined.
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