civil society, institution, state, corruption, prevention, counteraction, administrative and legal principles, form, foreign experienceAbstract
Based on the analysis of individual factors, the need to intensify activities related to preventing corruption and combating corruption-oriented crime is emphasized. Based on the textual analysis of the provisions of international legal acts, the article emphasizes that the institutions of civil society should be involved in activities related to preventing corruption and combating corruption-oriented crime. The most active subjects of civil society involved in such activities have been identified, including, in particular, non-state media and public organizations. The need to observe such principles of the latter's activity as initiative, partnership, openness, responsibility, political independence, rationality, balance, and comprehensive-ness was defined and emphasized. Some forms of activity of international and foreign insti-tutions of civil society, whose activities are anti-corruption in nature, are characterized. Based on the generalization of theoretical developments of Ukrainian scientists and proven foreign experience of corruption prevention, the forms of activity in which the anti-corruption activ-ity of formalized structures of civil society can be implemented have been determined. The forms of activity of civil society institutions in the direction of preventing corrup-tion and countering corruption-oriented crime include the following: participation in the for-mation of the national anti-corruption policy; advocacy and raising public awareness of cer-tain factors; creation of coalitions of non-governmental organizations; monitoring; public control; conducting activities of a research, analytical, explanatory and educational nature; participation in working groups, conferences, symposiums, round tables; conducting inves-tigative activities of illegal acts of corruption orientation. Prospects for further scientific re-search and theoretical development are outlined.
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