


competence, public administration, subjects of public administration, scientific and technological progress


The article emphasizes that the issue of competence of public administration subjects cannot be considered separately from scientific and technological progress and its latest leading trends. Attention is focused on the fact that innovations become an independent guiding force and source of development of public administration entities. Such a development is con-ceived through the prism of individual areas of improvement of the activities of public ad-ministration subjects in the conditions of scientific and technical progress, which is under-stood as the constant development of science and technology, during which fundamentally new approaches and views on familiar phenomena and processes are laid, as well as trends are formed, that determine the essential vision of society as such, as well as the place in certain processes of an individual (organization, region, state). The circle of such areas of improvement includes the implementation in the compe-tence of subjects of public administration of the features of the development of the economy and public administration of the countries of the world, which lay the trends of scientific and technological progress; focus on the accumulation and rational use of intellectual capi-tal; formation and development of innovative potential of public administration entities; improvement of marketing and communication activities of public administration entities. The promising directions of further research are further scientific understanding of the essence of the enthusiasm of public servants as a sign (indicator) of their activity in the administrative and legal plane, as well as a detailed analysis of each individual given direc-tion of improving the activity of public administration subjects at the level of competence and authority of the latter in the conditions of scientific - technical progress. Particular at-tention is paid to the need to develop methodological recommendations aimed at maximum detailing of the impact of scientific and technical progress on the activities of domestic and foreign subjects of public administration, monographs, manuals, holding interdisciplinary round tables and conferences.


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