juvenile prevention, children, illegal behavior, preventive activityAbstract
The scientific research is devoted to the issues of identifying the reasons contributing to the commission of offenses by minors. The author defined the role of juvenile prevention in the implementation of measures to identify the reasons that contributed to the commission of offenses by children. It is noted that in order to overcome the illegal behavior of minors, representatives of state authorities should not only fight against the negative behavior of children, but also take preventive measures in time to prevent and prevent illegal actions by the latter. Among them, the following are proposed: conducting systematic warning and educational conversations with the child, conducting familiarization and warning conversations with the child's parents and legal representatives, finding out the child's living conditions, with whom the child lives, etc. The main subjects who protect children's rights have been determined, including: local self-government bodies, child psychologists, law enforcement agencies, representatives of mass media, public organizations, volunteer organizations, representatives of health care in-stitutions, child psychiatry, etc. The author detailed the main reasons that cause minors to commit crimes. Among the key risk factors regarding the possibility of committing offenses by minors, he singled out the following: negative influence in the family, negative leisure time, negative influence of the mass media, social factors, martial law. It was established that during the period of martial law, it is extremely difficult to iden-tify the reasons for committing offenses by children, since the country is in chaos on the oc-cupied territory. The law enforcement bodies of the state authorities of our country are not able to fully work and take measures to prevent and stop crimes where children are the sub-jects, therefore the situation in such territories is not controlled.
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