digitalization, legalization, legal regulation, digital state, digital economyAbstract
The aim of the article is to clarify the legal content of the phenomenon of digitalization (public relations) by conducting a theoretical and legal analysis of this phenomenon in the context of the doctrine of legalization of public relations. It was found that the key problems of such legalization are: fixing the institutional framework (limits) of such legalization (sub-ject to legalization the whole array of relations that indicate changes due to digitalization or some of its enclaves; if individual - under what conditions and under what criteria it should be qualified as objectively requiring legalization) ; what should be the criteria for choosing a particular model of detail of legalization); determining the priorities and continuity of such legalization (which public relations should be subject to the regulatory influence of law in the first place, and which can be considered in terms of priority as secondary); solving the issue of correlation of forms of legalization of relations in the field of digitalization (do-mestic, international, transnational law), as well as legal and non-legal forms of regulation of these relations (which segments of digitalization should be left at the level of self-regula-tion); identification of the subjects of legalization of relations in the field of digitalization (this should be exclusively the state, represented by its bodies, whether digitalization pro-cesses can be entrusted to regulate non-state "actors", and if so, to what extent and to what extent); to find out how suitable for use in the national framework (in particular in the cur-rent state of Ukraine, its economic, political and legal systems) is the use of foreign experi-ence in legalizing relations in the field of digitalization. It is shown that the role of the state in the legalization of social relations formed during the digitalization of public life is and will be decisive. At the same time, in the course of such legalization the state itself is rapidly changing under the influence of cross-processes of digitalization and legalization: the practices of state management of digitalization processes are rapidly changing, modifying, becoming more flexible and open.
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