municipal law, local self-government, legal system, legal instituteAbstract
It was established that municipal law is a branch of law, the system of norms and principles of which is aimed at regulating social relations that arise in the field of local self-government and management of municipal entities, such as cities, towns, and village coun-cils. It is the norms of this branch of law that determine the powers of local self-government bodies, the order of their formation and activity, as well as the rights and obligations of citizens in relation to municipal entities. It is noted that the public-law nature of this branch of law implies a close connection of municipal law with administrative and constitutional law. After all, local self-govern-ment bodies closely interact with state authorities in the course of their activities to address the needs of a specific community. At the same time, it was emphasized that the under-standing of municipal law as an independent branch of law is a key aspect in the promotion of European integration processes, because the European community puts forward to Ukraine one of the basic conditions for building an effective and independent system of local self-government bodies. It is argued that the system of municipal law is a combination of municipal legal norms and institutions, which are located in a certain sequence and hierarchy depending on their importance and role in the regulatory and legal regulation of municipal relations. Given the definition proposed above, the key structural elements of the system of municipal law are: municipal legal norms and institutions. An approach is proposed, according to which the legal culture is understood as the primary element of the legal system in view of its system-forming, end-to-end character in relation to both the principles of law and the norms of law. It was noted that municipal law in today's conditions is an extremely important branch of law, the effectiveness of which depends on: first, the effectiveness of the comple-tion of the municipal reform; secondly, the work of local self-government bodies, and there-fore the implementation of state policy in the relevant sphere. That is why an important task of the legislator is to create the necessary conditions for the uninterrupted and high-quality functioning of all institutions of municipal law.
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