


police tasks, specialization of police units, police units on the water, professional training of law enforcement officers, official training of police officers, qualifications of a police officer, personnel support of the police, ensuring public safety and order, typical training programs


The article is devoted to the study of the issue of initial professional training of em-ployees of police units on the water. The definition is described, the characteristic features and components of the initial professional training of water police officers are outlined. The positions of Ukrainian scientists regarding the definition of the concept of primary profes-sional training of police officers and its characteristic features have been analyzed. It was found that initial professional training is a certain organized process of imparting the nec-essary knowledge, skills, theoretical and practical skills for the effective performance of the duties assigned to a policeman on the water. The constituent elements (educational compo-nents) of the educational and thematic plan of the training program of the initial profes-sional training of police officers, according to which the training of police units of the police on the water is carried out, were analyzed. During the analysis, it was found that each of the educational components of the program is not adapted to the specifics of the service of water police units and the high-quality and efficient performance of their functional duties by water police officers on water bodies and water transport infrastructure facilities. In con-nection with the existing problem of insufficient compliance of the police training program for official duties in the field of ensuring safety on water transport and water transport in-frastructure facilities, it is proposed to supplement each educational component (in partic-ular, general professional training, professional-theoretical, professional-practical training, educational subjects for the training of police officers by specialization) of the training pro-gram for police units of the water police by studying additional topics regarding the activi-ties of police units on the water in specific situations that occur exclusively in the activities of the water police during service on water objects and objects infrastructure of water transport, in order for police officers to acquire certain skills and abilities during their pro-fessional training, necessary for effective and high-quality performance of the functional duties assigned to police units of the water police.


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