customs crime, violation of customs rules, customs rules, customs business, customs policy, Customs Code of UkraineAbstract
Today, in modern realities, the issue of improving administrative and legal measures to combat customs crime in Ukraine deserves special attention. The article examines the legal principles that regulate the process of customs policy and customs affairs, offenses in the customs sphere and responsibility for violation of customs rules established by law. It was concluded that the current legislation of Ukraine does not define the concept of "customs crime", but the Customs code of Ukraine uses the term "violation of customs rules" or, as defined by the International Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in the prevention, investigation and termination of violations of customs legislation "violation of customs legislation". An analysis of administrative and legal measures to combat customs crime was carried out. They are measures of administrative coercion, namely: measures of administrative warning, termination and measures of administrative responsibility for the committed violation of customs rules. The article clarifies the specifics of customs crime prevention activities on the example of the legislation of the European Union and its leading members such as France and Germany. In a studying of successful European countries in the field of customs crime prevention, as well as an analysis of the primary and secondary legislation of the EU, proposals were made for further improvement of the customs legislation of Ukraine and its adaptation to the EU customs legislation. It was established that in comparison with most foreign countries, customs authorities in Ukraine are not recognized as law enforcement agencies. As a result of a comprehensive analysis of scientific researches in the field of customs affairs and combating customs crime, as well as the norms of the current legislation of Ukraine and the European Union, the peculiarities of the functioning of customs policy in Ukraine and the organizational and legal mechanism of customs affairs at the moment have been determined. Improving customs legislation and electronic declaration, simplifying customs control procedures, improving technological schemes, overcoming corruption at customs will help solve the problem of customs crime in Ukraine.
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